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98-100 Yandilla Street, Pittsworth, QLD, 4356

pittsworth vet surgery phone details - Right Business Hours

07 4693 2233

pittsworth vet surgery emergency phone number right After Hours

0429 932 233

98-100 Yandilla Street, Pittsworth, QLD, 4356

pittsworth vet surgery phone details - Right Business Hours

07 4693 2233

pittsworth vet surgery emergency phone number right After Hours

0429 932 233

Kitten dental health

It's a good idea to start caring for your kitten's teeth from a young age. Proper dental care can help prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay in later years.

And don't be alarmed when your kitten starts losing their baby teeth – this is a normal process as their adult teeth start to push through. You'll most likely see wonky teeth that are about to fall out or bleeding gums from teeth that have just fallen out.

As they're teething, they'll most likely look for anything to chew on. Offer them a kitten-friendly chew toy that they can sink their teeth into and be prepared to water down their food if they're finding it hard to crunch.

If you have any concerns regarding your kitten's dental health, book an appointment with us today.

Member Advantage

And did you know Best for Pet members get $250 offBest for Pet members get $250 off dental care annually? Contact us to find out more about how you could save on dental.

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Questions about new kitten

We're here to help

If you have any questions about anything regarding your kitten, get in touch with us today, or bring them in for a check-up (we love meeting new kitties!)

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