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98-100 Yandilla Street, Pittsworth, QLD, 4356

pittsworth vet surgery phone details - Right Business Hours

07 4693 2233

pittsworth vet surgery emergency phone number right After Hours

0429 932 233

98-100 Yandilla Street, Pittsworth, QLD, 4356

pittsworth vet surgery phone details - Right Business Hours

07 4693 2233

pittsworth vet surgery emergency phone number right After Hours

0429 932 233

Three day (BEF)

Now is the time to ensure your cattle are protected against 3 Day Sickness or BEF (Bovine Ephemeral Fever). BEF is a virus spread by biting midges and contrary to what the name suggests, animals might be unwell for up to two weeks! Cattle affected are usually large animals in good condition (bulls, feedlot cattle & big cows). The signs vary from a slight lameness and off colour through to a very high fever and being ‘down’ and sometimes, even death. The high fevers can cause infertility in bulls and abortions in cows as well as a massive loss of production. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive with anti-inflammatories and nursing care. However, prevention is key to maintaining your production! Prevention is as easy as 2 initial injections 2-4 weeks apart, followed by one annual injection. The best time to vaccinate is Spring so there’s maximum protection during the Summer months. Most people would have already vaccinated their herd by now, so if you haven’t already done so, call us today to discuss vaccinating your cattle against BEF.